The plugin allows you to synchronize and unsynchronize multiple leaflet maps in a Shiny application. You can pass additional options to leafletsyncOptions. For more information see Leaflet.Sync

  ids = NULL,
  synclist = "all",
  options = leafletsyncOptions()



the map


the map ids to be synced. If you use a synclist, you may leave it NULL. The unique names and values of synclist will be used.


The synchronization list. The default is 'all', which creates a list of all possible combinations of ids. For a more detailed control, a named list can be passed in this form list(m1 = c("m2", "m3"), m2 = c("m1", "m3"), m3 = c("m1", "m2")), where the names and values represent map-ids. The names of the lists serve as a basis and the list values are the maps to be kept in sync with the basemap.


A named list of options. See leafletsyncOptions. If you want to add different options to multiple maps, you can wrap the options in a named list, with the names being the map-ids. See the example in ./inst/examples/offset_continuous.R


A modified leaflet map


If you synchronize multiple maps, a map may not yet be initialized and therefore cannot be used. Make sure to use addLeafletsync after all maps have been rendered.

See also

Other leafletsync Functions: addLeafletsyncDependency(), isSynced(), leafletsyncOptions(), unsync()